Gardening Symposium

2024 Massachusetts Gardening Symposium

“Inspiration for Next Year’s Garden”

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM

Bentley University, LaCava Conference Center

Waltham, Massachusetts

Conveniently located just 3.5 miles off Route 95/128

Who should attend? In keeping with the MMGA’s educational mission, the Symposium welcomes all gardeners, novices to experts, as well as Master Gardeners and Green Industry professionals. Will this be your first Massachusetts Gardening Symposium or your 8th? Are you coming with a carload of friends or making it a “me day”? Driving from Boston or as far away as Cape Cod or New Hampshire? You’ll find attendees to be warm, welcoming, and fun…and lecture content relevant and practical. 

What’s included: 

ATTENTION Master Gardeners: The MMGA Education Committee has approved the Gardening Symposium for a total of four hours of Continuing Education credit (one hour per lecture).   


Ian Caton

Native plantsman and landscape designer; owner, Wood Thrush Native Nursery

“Super Tough Native Plants and Planting Techniques That Deliver”

As a young home gardener and later a professional landscape designer, Ian Caton often had ambitious plans for the creation of amazing, diverse gardens with visions of native plants, wild and rare. Then − with the first shovel of hard clay – reality set in. Followed by extreme drought, pesky herbivores, and other garden adversities. Yet despite these difficult conditions, some species tended to do extremely well. Curious, he began to study these successful plants’ habitats in the wild…vs. how they behaved under cultivation. LEARN HOW Ian’s insights can be harnessed to create a truly low-maintenance landscape of your own…using a suite of natives that fit into almost any demanding situation.

Shannon Currey 

Izel Native Plants horticultural educator and graminoids expert

“Low-Resource Workhorses of the Garden: Native Grasses and Sedges” 

Looking for strategies to help garden smarter and boost your landscape’s ecological impact? Join Shannon Currey for a look at plant-based solutions to common landscape challenges. Rather than oceans of mulch and vast expanses of turf, use native grasses and sedges to reduce resource use, add biodiversity, and increase resilience. LEARN HOW these extraordinary plants help preserve and build the soil, reduce weed competition, and offer a host of ecosystem benefits. From low-key groundcover to seasonal superstar, their varied habits and unique design qualities also make them essential to garden beauty. Discover how greener grasses help build better landscapes and healthier communities.

Heather Holm 

Award-winning author of four books, pollinator conservationist 

“How to Host a Garden B&B for Native Specialist Bees and Predatory Wasps” 

Flower-rich gardens can provide critical habitat for both bees and wasps, but your plant choices matter! A significant percentage of native bees are specialists, collecting pollen from just a narrow range of native host plants. Bees’ ancestors, predatory wasps, are carnivorous, and many specialize in hunting specific insects or spiders. Native specialist bees and wasps also have unique nesting preferences and essential habitat requirements. With Heather Holm’s guidance, LEARN the art of creating a diverse and welcoming garden “bed & breakfast” that gives back to these beneficial insects throughout the entire growing season…in return for them pollinating our plants and helping control pest insect populations.

Jan Johnsen 

Landscape designer, best-selling author, and professional garden educator

“Practical Design Tips for Creating Beautiful Outdoor Spaces”

Any residential property, no matter its size, has the potential to refresh and inspire if you know what to do. Whether you are starting with a clean slate, planning a major garden revitalization, or looking to add a few professional nuances, Jan Johnsen’s presentation – based on her popular book Gardentopia – will inspire you with practical design ideas and plant suggestions that can take your garden to the next level. LEARN HOW to combine the art of landscaping with technical knowledge to create an oasis of serenity and multi-season sensory pleasures that invite human and wildlife friends to visit. Tips include “Hide and Reveal,” “Yin/Yang in the Garden,” and “Lure of the Sheltered Corner.”


Early Bird price $85.00 PER PERSON through Monday, July 15, 2024, 11:59:59 PM

$95.00 PER PERSON starting July 16, 2024

Registration closes on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM or as soon as we reach capacity.

In past years we have filled up early. We encourage you to sign up soon.

Refund requests accepted through Sunday, August 18, 2024, at 11:59:59 PM.

The Symposium is always more fun with friends, so invite others to join you.  You can view, download and print our flyer by clicking here.


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Header photo courtesy of Izel Native Plants