About Us
Master Gardeners are experienced and trained volunteers who provide horticultural information and education resources to the gardening public, offer technical support for horticulture projects and contribute outreach programs for community events.
Our Mission: The MMGA is an independent non-profit organization with the mission of sharing research-based horticultural knowledge and experience with the public. The MMGA meets that goal through Master Gardener Certification, outreach, education, volunteering, and public gardening programs for the advancement of best practices in sustainable, regenerative horticulture.
The MMGA supports this mission by:
a) Providing all Master Gardeners with educational and practical opportunities to extend their knowledge and interests in horticulture and to volunteer in the regional communities where they work and live.
b) Determining how the MMGA can support underserved communities through volunteering, outreach, grants, scholarships, and external education programs to promote interaction and shared horticultural experiences.
c) Focusing on the intersection of climate change and horticulture and creating MMGA educational programs for both Master Gardeners and the public to foster awareness and highlight best practices.